Mom Life, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Mom Life, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

I am tired

I have a confession guys: I'm tired. I really am. 😥 Yesterday was a tough day: Los Angeles went back on lockdown, and LAUSD announced that our kids will not be going back to school in the fall. 😭

I've tried really hard to make the best of this whole situation thus far - for myself and for my family. I know that while I cannot control what is going on around me, I can manage my own mind. 🧠

But it's getting to me.

Part of it is sadness - for our kids, for our economy, for my lonely friends and family. Part of it is true fatigue - from the worry, from the homeschooling, from the feeling that I can't get anything done anymore.

And part of it is anger. Angry frustration - as a doctor - knowing that had we as a country been able to put our arrogance and comfort and selfishness aside for just several weeks and properly mask and distance - this virus would have died out, like it has in many other countries (and NYC!).

But instead, we complain and fight and make it political and now we are worse off than when this all began... It's like the last 4 months have been for nothing. 😩

Is this really who we are? As Americans, that we care more about our individual "freedoms" and "rights" (to not wear a mask or go to a bar) than the health and safety of our neighbors and our entire country? That me, myself, and I are somehow more important and know better than everyone else? That our own agendas, desires, and arrogance trump science and experts? Are these the values and lessons we want to teach our children?

And so we are all paying for it now... Numbers are skyrocketing, and we are back on lockdown. This virus is not going away 🦠, and until we show some humility and respect - for it, for our experts, and for each other - it never will... 🙏🏼

(Tiktok is my coping mechanism. If the US bans it too, I will literally have a break down... 😂😩)

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Medicine, Mom Life Vicki Chan Medicine, Mom Life Vicki Chan

CoVID update: All up in the air


So reports are confirming that coronavirus 🦠 can be airborne (versus only found in droplets or surfaces and transmitted by contact).

Does this change the precautions we are taking? Are face masks still necessary?

Short answer: NOTHING has changed.

Scientists and healthcare professionals have always suspected that coronavirus was airborne, which is why social distancing has always been a major recommendation during this pandemic. Keeping your distance in a well ventilated space (ie outdoors) greatly reduces your risk of transmitting and/or contracting COVID.

Face masks 😷 are still very relevant especially in closer settings. Not only do they block droplets from your mouth and nose, they also reduce the radius of any smaller airborne particles (air will still flow around the mask - so don’t worry about your oxygen/CO2 levels - but airborne particles will not travel as far out).

#liveVICTORIOUS✌🏼 but stay safe, friends!

Thank you Theo + Leigh for our cute and comfy masks!!! Use VICKICHANMD when ordering to get 20% off!

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Mom Life, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Mom Life, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

What is MultiLevel Marketing


People have asked after my post a few days ago: What is multilevel marketing and how did it help you?

Multilevel marketing (or MLM) is a type of direct marketing business where you sell products or services directly to a consumer (instead of stocking it in a store). You also have the option to bring on and train other business partners for a small stake in their company. The term network marketing is often used since people tend to reach out and market to their own circles and networks, though with social media this whole concept has evolved immensely.

I joined my Rodan+Fields team in 2015 - right after my job fiasco and when I got pregnant with my son. I actually did not know too much about the company, but I knew I needed a change. I had seen friends be successful in their R+F businesses, and I thought to myself, “If they can do it, so can I. Why not?”

I know an MLM is not for everyone - you have to be prepared to jump into marketing and possibly coach a team to do the same, and there are a lot of negative misconceptions about it - but having a side business ended up being invaluable to me.

It has given me an introduction to business (so different from medicine and motherhood!), provided me a creative outlet (it's the reason I dove into social media), connected me to some amazing people, and taught me about resilience and personal growth (you can imagine some of the negativity and doubt I have had to overcome) - and of course the additional income that has allowed me to go part time medicine and #liveVICTORIOUS on my own terms.

Do you have any other questions about this business model? I would love to answer them for you in future posts/stories!

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Fashion, Tiktok Vicki Chan Fashion, Tiktok Vicki Chan

I Love Bags!


I love bags! 🤣 Let me count the ways:

1. They elevate an outfit - You could be wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans or a simple sundress, but grab a cute bag and immediately the look is elevated. It's a simple and easy way to look put together when you don't necessarily want to put in the effort.

2. They have great cost-per-wear (CPW) - Take a $1000 bag. If you carry it every day for 1 year (which many people do), the cost comes out to less than $3 a day - less than my daily Starbucks. ☕️

3. You can find them second hand - Trends and styles come and go, and many bag lovers will update their closets a few times a year and sell old pieces. I take advantage of this and often will get my bags second hand through resellers or consignment shops, giving me a designer piece without the designer price. (I love TheRealReal for online consignment, and you can rent cute ones at RenttheRunway.)

4. They can be a good overall investment - Some brands go up in price on the resale market, which is a great perk. True story: a Chanel bag I bought 10 years ago, I could sell today for almost twice the purchase price. Not too shabby!

5. Life is short, buy the bag! - My tagline is not #liveVICTORIOUS for nothing. 😉 To all of you who are reading this - you work hard, you do so much, and you deserve to look and feel your best. And if an amazing bag helps you get there, then so be it.

What are some of your favorite bags? (p.s. I have 2 other versions of this video - with more bags! Check them out on my TikTok! - part 1 and part 3.)


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Life Lessons, Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan Life Lessons, Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan

You are Always One Decision Away…


One evening about 6 years ago I pulled into my garage and took a deep breath. It was around 6pm, and I knew I was late relieving the nanny. Ugh.

I had finished training about 2 years ago, was busting my butt as a per diem 5 days a week (plus weekend call) at a multispecialty ophthalmology clinic, and my daughter was 1. Earlier that day, the chief at my clinic had suggested that I not bother applying for the new full time position because I "should be focusing on [my] family." The comment made me feel angry, unappreciated, deflated, and guilty all at the same time... 😢

I had spent my lunch break therapy shopping and arrived home tired and emotionally exhausted. Even though I felt guilty for being away all day, I was about to walk into what I lovingly called the "dinnertime-bathtime-bedtime circus," so I sat in my car for an extra 10 minutes in the dark to regroup and dry my tears.

I have replayed and retold this story hundreds of times - to other tired working moms and burnt-out physicians. Because this was the moment I that made a decision. The decision that this was not the life I wanted. The decision that I would no longer rely on others for my happiness. The decision that I would have to make some changes to design a life of my dreams.

It would take me a few months to build up the nerve to actually take action (start a side business and change jobs) and another couple years to realize my updated, upgraded goals (go part time medicine and spend more time with my family)...

But it all began in that single decision...

Does this resonate with anyone? Do you know this feeling? What did you do/are you doing about it?


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Medicine, Ophthalmology Vicki Chan Medicine, Ophthalmology Vicki Chan



As an ophthalmologist, I see lots of people with issues and problems with their contact lenses. Some of the most common things I see include: irritation/allergy, scratches, infections, and lens loss (yep, people lose their contacts in their eyes! 👀).

1. Irritation/Allergy - A contact lens is essentially a foreign piece of plastic in your eye. Despite being fitted and smooth, the lens still rubs and debris can collect over time. If not properly cleaned or changed out routinely, contact lenses can cause increased irritation and inflammation of your eyes and lids over time. Your eye can essentially become "allergic" to your lenses. For these patients, allergy drops may help, but I usually recommend a "contact lens holiday" for at least 2 weeks for the eyes to recover, followed by limited contact lens wear to minimize symptoms.

2. Scratches - Worse than irritation is an actual scratch on the surface of your eye, which can be quite painful. Overwearing your lenses (beyond the recommended 6-8 hours a day, especially overnight) can increase your risk for scratches. Thankfully, your eye surface heals pretty quickly and many scratches heal on their own if you just stop wearing your contact lenses for a few days.

3. Infections - This is when bacteria or fungus gets into a scratch on your eye and requires medication to treat. Infections are very painful and serious, as these can affect your vision long term. Please see your eye doctor ASAP for this.

4. Lens Loss - Believe it or not, people do lose their contact lenses in their eyes. Most of the time the lens has fallen out, but I do sometimes find them lodged under the upper eyelid (there is a pocket up there called the fornix) and sweep them out with a cotton tip. And don’t worry, it is impossible for the lens to track back into your brain 🧠- the fornix is a dead end. (I get that question a lot).

I remind all my patients to always have a back up pair of glasses 👓 (so they aren’t “forced” to wear contacts everyday to avoid the above issues) and to consider dailies if they have trouble remembering to clean them properly.

Are you a contact lens wearer? Have you ever had issues?


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