Fashion, Tiktok Vicki Chan Fashion, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Style Series: 1 T-shirt, 6+ Ways

Happy #fashionFriday! 😘

Today, we are taking a basic T-shirt and styling it in some not-so-basic ways. I LOVE getting multiple looks out of a single piece - it must be the sensible Asian doctor mom in me.

The T-shirt is from by DayDreamer at Anthropologie.

1. Classic - with denim (DL 1961) and flats (Chanel from TheRealReal)
2. Work - add a blazer and heels (Enrico Cuini)
3. Casual - add a fun jacket and chunky heels (Gianvito Rossi)
4. Edgy - with a leather jacket (Muubaa), denim skirt (GAP), and boots (Valentino)
5. Funky - play with layers and leather shorts (from a consignment shop and tailored!)
6. Chic - with a silk skirt (LOFT), add a denim jacket (GAP) and fun heels (Enrico Cuini) to spice things up!

Which matches your style most???

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Medicine, Tiktok, Inspiration, Mom Life Vicki Chan Medicine, Tiktok, Inspiration, Mom Life Vicki Chan


Last week, we felt angry and deflated. Female physicians felt targeted and shamed in a well respected medical journal for our choices in swimwear, alcoholic beverages, and political conversations. Insinuating that our normal, everyday choices somehow had any bearing on our professionalism, competency, or skills as a doctor.

Well, today, a few of my colleagues and I are standing up. I put out a call on my social media platforms, and the tribe arrived! Not in anger or retaliation, but in solidarity and strength.

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Medicine, Life Lessons, Tiktok Vicki Chan Medicine, Life Lessons, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Why does covid info keep changing?

I know there is a typo in there, SORRY!

I am tired of all the comments about how the CDC “messed up” or Dr. Fauci “lied” back in March or whenever.

Look, physicians and scientists make recommendations based on the information and data we have at the moment. But sometimes (often times actually) that information can change.

It’s called the scientific method. You take a plausible hypothesis (like asymptomatic people don’t need to mask or young people don’t seem to get sick) and test it vigorously to see if it holds true. During this process, you can find new information - including that your initial hypothesis was wrong! So you take that new data, reassess your hypothesis, adjust the methods, and try again until you can get reproducible and conclusive results that make sense... It’s all part of the science and research.

This process can take years (or even ongoing for decades), and usually you don’t have a whole country watching and critiquing your every move. 👀

So please 🙏🏼 - be patient, understand that science is a process, and our scientists and experts are working as fast as they can and doing their very best with the limited information we have.

p.s. What you DON’T do is be stubborn and change or manipulate the data to fit your thinking... Scientists would call that unethical and misleading.

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Medicine, Mom Life, Tiktok Vicki Chan Medicine, Mom Life, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Ice cream headaches


Happy National Ice Cream Day! 🍦

Have you ever gotten an ice cream headache? 😣 Peter gets them all the time, but would you believe I never have?!

Surprisingly, scientists don't know what exactly causes an #icecreamheadache or brain freeze. They think that it has to do with blood vessels quickly constricting then dilating when the ice cream hits the roof of your mouth. This sensation is interpreted as discomfort and pain by the trigeminal nerve - except your brain reads the pain as coming from your head and temples instead of your mouth. Why this pain is referred in this matter is unknown. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I guess I savor my ice cream too slowly to get them. 🤣

#liveVICTORIOUS✌🏼 #nationalicecreamday #brainfreeze #icecream

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Tiktok, Medicine, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Tiktok, Medicine, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

Doctors On Social Media


Why would a doctor be on social media? Doctors on TikTok? What the heck? 🤔

Well, let me explain:

1. Social media is a great place to educate and motivate - Patients are able to connect with me directly, ask questions, and get basic information (I cannot give direct medical advice online, but I can at least point them in the right direction). I have also been impressed with all the premeds/medical students out there who are driven to seek out information about the application/training process, my specialty, and work-life balance. To get a message about how I have helped someone with a decision or answer a question or show them what is possible is the most amazing feeling. ❤️

Moreover, with so much uncertainty and misinformation surrounding this pandemic, I feel a duty to explain and clear things up as best as I can.

2. I can connect and network with amazing people - It has been so fun meeting other like-minded, forward thinking physicians, professionals, and mothers. Even though I haven't met a lot of these people in person (yet), being on this journey together makes me feel like I've known them forever.

3. It's FUN! - Why aren't doctors allowed to have fun? I've seen too many being written off as "not serious" or "not responsible," because they enjoy other hobbies or activities. Doctors are human, too, and we deserve, actually, NEED to let loose a little sometimes.

4. It's my creative outlet - Some people cook, others garden. I love taking pretty photos and making fun videos. I love sharing about my experiences, educating, telling stories, and encouraging others to action. And I think I do a pretty good job. 😉

Be yourself, the world will adjust.

If you are a doctor or professional looking for more information on Tiktok and how it could help your business, visit my FREE RESOURCES page or visit


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Fashion, Tiktok Vicki Chan Fashion, Tiktok Vicki Chan

I Love Bags!


I love bags! 🤣 Let me count the ways:

1. They elevate an outfit - You could be wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans or a simple sundress, but grab a cute bag and immediately the look is elevated. It's a simple and easy way to look put together when you don't necessarily want to put in the effort.

2. They have great cost-per-wear (CPW) - Take a $1000 bag. If you carry it every day for 1 year (which many people do), the cost comes out to less than $3 a day - less than my daily Starbucks. ☕️

3. You can find them second hand - Trends and styles come and go, and many bag lovers will update their closets a few times a year and sell old pieces. I take advantage of this and often will get my bags second hand through resellers or consignment shops, giving me a designer piece without the designer price. (I love TheRealReal for online consignment, and you can rent cute ones at RenttheRunway.)

4. They can be a good overall investment - Some brands go up in price on the resale market, which is a great perk. True story: a Chanel bag I bought 10 years ago, I could sell today for almost twice the purchase price. Not too shabby!

5. Life is short, buy the bag! - My tagline is not #liveVICTORIOUS for nothing. 😉 To all of you who are reading this - you work hard, you do so much, and you deserve to look and feel your best. And if an amazing bag helps you get there, then so be it.

What are some of your favorite bags? (p.s. I have 2 other versions of this video - with more bags! Check them out on my TikTok! - part 1 and part 3.)


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