I am tired

I have a confession guys: I'm tired. I really am. 😥 Yesterday was a tough day: Los Angeles went back on lockdown, and LAUSD announced that our kids will not be going back to school in the fall. 😭

I've tried really hard to make the best of this whole situation thus far - for myself and for my family. I know that while I cannot control what is going on around me, I can manage my own mind. 🧠

But it's getting to me.

Part of it is sadness - for our kids, for our economy, for my lonely friends and family. Part of it is true fatigue - from the worry, from the homeschooling, from the feeling that I can't get anything done anymore.

And part of it is anger. Angry frustration - as a doctor - knowing that had we as a country been able to put our arrogance and comfort and selfishness aside for just several weeks and properly mask and distance - this virus would have died out, like it has in many other countries (and NYC!).

But instead, we complain and fight and make it political and now we are worse off than when this all began... It's like the last 4 months have been for nothing. 😩

Is this really who we are? As Americans, that we care more about our individual "freedoms" and "rights" (to not wear a mask or go to a bar) than the health and safety of our neighbors and our entire country? That me, myself, and I are somehow more important and know better than everyone else? That our own agendas, desires, and arrogance trump science and experts? Are these the values and lessons we want to teach our children?

And so we are all paying for it now... Numbers are skyrocketing, and we are back on lockdown. This virus is not going away 🦠, and until we show some humility and respect - for it, for our experts, and for each other - it never will... 🙏🏼

(Tiktok is my coping mechanism. If the US bans it too, I will literally have a break down... 😂😩)


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