Blog, Tiktok Vicki Chan Blog, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Why I started This Blog

Over the years, my friends on social media have remarked and suggested, "You should have a blog!" And I've always pushed back, "What for? Social media is like my blog!"

But time and time again people would contact me: "Where was that post you did?" or "What was that discount code you posted?" or โ€œCan you explain TikTok?โ€ And after many hours of searching and scrolling and explaining, I figured it was time to put everything in one place on this blog.

Do I know what Iโ€™m doing? NOPE! Is it perfectly pretty and stylized? Not in the least. ๐Ÿ˜…

But it's a start, and things will continue to grow and evolve. As they (and my TikTok) say, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

And as a THANK YOU for being here: Head over to my About section for 2 FREE guides: Tips for Social Media Creation and TikTok Basics (written for Doctors but applies to any business really).


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Mom Life, Medicine, Tiktok Vicki Chan Mom Life, Medicine, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Do Opposites Attract?

Do opposites attract? 

Peter is an empathetic extrovert. He is patient and laid back (typical anesthesiologist...?). He is the first to wake in the mornings and is willing to try anything once.

I am a stoic introvert. I am super detailed oriented and generally prefer things safe and stable (like my ORs ). I love "me time" at night when everyone else is asleep. 

While I don't necessarily think opposites attract, I do think we challenge and complement each other. It's not always smooth, but it sure keeps things interesting and balanced. 


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Feel the Fear and do it anyway


I don't know about you, but this quote resonates with me. Itโ€™s exactly how I felt starting medical school , getting married , starting my first job, having kids , starting my business, diving into navigating this pandemic  (homeschooling, what)...etc.

Did I always feel 100% prepared? Nope. Was everything perfectly set and ready...? NEVER.

But I had faith I could figure it out. Maybe I had done something kinda similar in the past, or I saw someone else do it and thought to myself, "If he/she can do it, so can I." At the very least, Iโ€™m a pretty good learner... 

Ultimately, I knew, if I waited until I was 100% ready, I would be waiting the rest of my life...

What are YOU waiting for?


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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Masks and oxygenation

Just in case people were still wondering about oxygenation while wearing a mask. 

For you scientists, oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules are less than 0.5 nanometers in size, while viruses are closer to 20-200 nanometers. So yes, you could theoretically block viral particles and still breathe perfectly fine. 

And while cloth and surgical masks donโ€™t necessarily block ALL air and viral particles, they can decrease the radius of spread and block larger virus laden droplets from your nose and mouth. 

So as we go into this holiday weekend , please be safe, wear your masks, and maintain physical distancing as best you can!


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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

July 1st: You got this, interns!

July 1 is a big day in the medical world because it is the day new interns begin. ๐Ÿฅผ An intern is a brand new doctor who has completed 4 years of undergrad and 4 years of medical school, about to embark on their first year (of 3, 4, or 7!) of on hand training.

It's been a minute since I started my internship (any guesses? ) but advice I would give to new doctors (or anyone starting a new job really):

1. Be on time  - This is a no brainer.

2. Be excited to learn and help. - While you may not know much at the beginning, your team will appreciate your enthusiasm and attitude. This appreciation will translate to increased camaraderie and teaching.

3. Don't be afraid to ask questions - As an intern, this is kind of your job - learn as much as possible. And trust me, a clarifying question is much easier than trying to fix a botched job down the line.

4. Most importantly: You deserve to be there.  Donโ€™t let imposter syndrome take you down before you start. Even though you are new, there is a reason you were hired/given the position. They see your intelligence, grit, dedication, great attitude... etc. So own it and rise to the occasion. You got this. 


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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Healthy Lashes

So people want to know: How do you keep your lashes healthy, long, and full? 

A few tips from your friendly ophthalmologist:

1) Keep them clean! - This means removing your make up every night and washing your lashes regularly with a mild cleanser or baby shampoo (just like you would wash your hair). Removing oils and residue will avoid clogging of pores and hair follicles that can lead to inflammation and hair loss.

2) Avoid too much trauma - This includes excessive rubbing and/or lash extensions that can lead to breakage and lash fall out. Also be careful with lash curlers, especially if you heat your tools.

3) Good nutrition - A nutritious diet is good for your body in general, but proteins, omega 3s, biotin, and vitamins A, C, and E are said to be especially good for your hair.

That being said, some thinning of your lashes and hair is to be expected with age, so taking care of them early is never a bad idea. 


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