Why I started This Blog


Over the years, my friends on social media have remarked and suggested, "You should have a blog!" And I've always pushed back, "What for? Social media is like my blog!"

But time and time again people would contact me: "Where was that post you did?" or "What was that discount code you posted?" or “Can you explain TikTok?” And after many hours of searching and scrolling and explaining, I figured it was time to put everything in one place on this blog.

Do I know what I’m doing? NOPE! Is it perfectly pretty and stylized? Not in the least. 😅

But it's a start, and things will continue to grow and evolve. As they (and my TikTok) say, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

And as a THANK YOU for being here: Head over to my About section for 2 FREE guides: Tips for Social Media Creation and TikTok Basics (written for Doctors but applies to any business really).





Do Opposites Attract?