Healthy Lashes

So people want to know: How do you keep your lashes healthy, long, and full? 

A few tips from your friendly ophthalmologist:

1) Keep them clean! - This means removing your make up every night and washing your lashes regularly with a mild cleanser or baby shampoo (just like you would wash your hair). Removing oils and residue will avoid clogging of pores and hair follicles that can lead to inflammation and hair loss.

2) Avoid too much trauma - This includes excessive rubbing and/or lash extensions that can lead to breakage and lash fall out. Also be careful with lash curlers, especially if you heat your tools.

3) Good nutrition - A nutritious diet is good for your body in general, but proteins, omega 3s, biotin, and vitamins A, C, and E are said to be especially good for your hair.

That being said, some thinning of your lashes and hair is to be expected with age, so taking care of them early is never a bad idea. 



July 1st: You got this, interns!


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