Medicine, Tiktok, Inspiration, Mom Life Vicki Chan Medicine, Tiktok, Inspiration, Mom Life Vicki Chan


Last week, we felt angry and deflated. Female physicians felt targeted and shamed in a well respected medical journal for our choices in swimwear, alcoholic beverages, and political conversations. Insinuating that our normal, everyday choices somehow had any bearing on our professionalism, competency, or skills as a doctor.

Well, today, a few of my colleagues and I are standing up. I put out a call on my social media platforms, and the tribe arrived! Not in anger or retaliation, but in solidarity and strength.

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Fashion, Inspiration Vicki Chan Fashion, Inspiration Vicki Chan

Live Colorfully


Happy #fashionFriday! What could your favorite color say about you? 🌈

BLACK is ambitious but also sensitive. It's a color of strength, power, and authority. Perfect for an important interview.

RED is bold. You are outgoing and don't mind being the center of attention. Try this color at your next formal soiree.

PINK is energetic and fun. It is seen as youthful and happy. No wonder my daughter loves it. 💕

YELLOW is cheery and bright - you are positive and inspirational. Fun for a get together with friends.

ORANGE draws people in and makes a statement. You are likely social, outgoing, and love entertaining. Good for an outdoor party.

GREEN is calm, kind, and caring. Green is a color of nature, as well as money - so people are drawn to you. Perfect color for scrubs, wouldn't you say?

WHITE is positive and courageous. The color is simple, fresh, and new. Great for a weekend activity.

BLUE is calm and relaxed. You are positive, independent, and clever. Great for photos or speaking engagement.

GRAY is balanced and mature. You like to lay low. Great alternative to black for a meeting or interview where you want to be seen as a team player.

PURPLE  is historically a regal color. It demands respect and attention. You are deep and artistic. Perfect for a gala or show.

BROWN is reliable, authentic, and grounded. It is the color of the earth and exudes stability. Good for dinner with the in-laws.

What’s your favorite color? Mine is blue but black is my go-to for any outfit. (I wonder what that says about me…)


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Feel the Fear and do it anyway


I don't know about you, but this quote resonates with me. It’s exactly how I felt starting medical school , getting married , starting my first job, having kids , starting my business, diving into navigating this pandemic  (homeschooling, what)...etc.

Did I always feel 100% prepared? Nope. Was everything perfectly set and ready...? NEVER.

But I had faith I could figure it out. Maybe I had done something kinda similar in the past, or I saw someone else do it and thought to myself, "If he/she can do it, so can I." At the very least, I’m a pretty good learner... 

Ultimately, I knew, if I waited until I was 100% ready, I would be waiting the rest of my life...

What are YOU waiting for?


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