Medicine, Mom Life Vicki Chan Medicine, Mom Life Vicki Chan

Caffeine and the Eyes


As a coffee loving ophthalmologist: I wonder, does caffeine affect the eyes? So I did some research! 👁☕️

Good news! Raw coffee contains antioxidants which have been linked to health benefits like a lowered risk of diabetes, liver disease, dementia, and even some types of cancer. As a natural stimulant, it may also help exercise performance, fat burning, and metabolism. 🚴🏻‍♀️

As far as the eyes are concerned, there have been some suggestions that caffeine can help prevent retinal degeneration and improve tear production, but these have yet to be proven with certainty.

Of course, there can be too much of a good thing, and excess caffeine has been linked to sleep problems, high blood pressure, heart arrhythmias ❤️, and irritability/anxiety.

Caffeine can also cause problems with the eyes, including blurry vision (when your blood sugars spike or crash) and eye twitches (when the caffeine hits the delicate muscle fibers around your eyes). There have also been reports that caffeine could increase risks of glaucoma (since eye pressures are related to blood pressure), though not entirely proven.

As with most things, moderation is key. Recommended caffeine intake is 200 to 400mg a day. 400mg corresponds to about 4 cups of coffee, 4 shots of espresso, 2 energy drinks, or 7-8 cups of tea. (Which means my 3rd cup of joe in the TikTok ⬅️ is a-OK. 😉)

What is your relationship with caffeine? What’s your favorite drink? Or are you OK without?

#liveVICTORIOUS✌🏼 #coffeelover #mondaycoffee

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Mom Life, Medicine, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Mom Life, Medicine, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

How I Balance it all… (or do i?)


Many young doctors worry: "Is it possible to be a doctor AND have a family?"

Most definitely YES.

But is it easy? Nope.

I certainly don't have all the answers, but a few things I've picked up along the way:

1. Schedule your "fun" time - Just like you schedule your work meetings and calls, schedule in activities with the kids as well as your own relaxing time.

2. Delegate! - You cannot do everything yourself (nor should you try). Ask your partner to help; hire the cleaners; ask the nanny to stay late. It's not about whether you CAN do everything yourself (of course you can!), it's about whether you can be doing something BETTER (like cuddling with the kids or taking a bath).

3. Give up the guilt - Oh the mom-guilt is fierce. We SHOULD be doing this; we SHOULD be doing that. We end up SHOULDing all over ourselves! It's OK to say NO sometimes. It's OK to choose yourself!

4. Grant yourself grace - This one is tough for this perfectionist. It's become a choice - would I rather perseverate over this messy room and stress over laundry, or just let it be and play with the kids? Don't get me wrong, I like things to be tidy, but I'm getting better at not letting it get to me every time.

In the end, I don’t think there is ever true “work life balance” - there are seasons of life (some months you’ll be focused on your family, some you’ll be focused on your career, others on your marriage) and you just do the best you can in that moment...

All the other #workingmoms out there, what tips do you have???

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Medicine, Tiktok, Inspiration, Mom Life Vicki Chan Medicine, Tiktok, Inspiration, Mom Life Vicki Chan


Last week, we felt angry and deflated. Female physicians felt targeted and shamed in a well respected medical journal for our choices in swimwear, alcoholic beverages, and political conversations. Insinuating that our normal, everyday choices somehow had any bearing on our professionalism, competency, or skills as a doctor.

Well, today, a few of my colleagues and I are standing up. I put out a call on my social media platforms, and the tribe arrived! Not in anger or retaliation, but in solidarity and strength.

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HOw long does it take to become an ophthalmologist?

I often get the questions: How long did it take for you to become an ophthalmologist? 👁 How old were you? Was it worth it or would you have done anything differently?

I would typically say it’s rude to ask a lady about age 😉, but for the sake of education:
Middle and high school => 18 years old
4 years of College => 22 years old
4 years of Medical school => 26 years old
1 year Preliminary Internship => 27 years old
3 years Ophthalmology Residency => 30 years old
1 year Glaucoma Fellowship => (drumroll 🥁) 31 years old

We doctors often joke that we spend our prime years studying and stressing out. Many of us delay our love lives, our family lives, our “real” lives to pursue medicine.

Was it worth it? Definitely. Because I get to spend the rest of my life doing something I truly love. And I am happy with the life I’ve built (as unconventional as it may be).

Would I have chosen something different or easier in hindsight? Absolutely not. You cannot predict life or what will happen with the decisions you make. Whose to say that I would have been ”happier” or it would have been “easier” had I chosen a different path? You can’t, and - even with our infertility struggles, dealing with discrimination at my early job, and the uncertainty of medicine - I wouldn’t risk all the good I have today - like my husband, kids, and all the opportunities.

Instead of wondering “what if” about a past you cannot change or lamenting about the time sacrificed, focus forward on how you can take this life and make it the best it can be...

#doctormom #workingmom

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Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan

You are making a difference

Like it or not, and despite what you believe, or don't... We are all in this together. In a pandemic where a virus and emotions are running rampant, your actions and decisions have impact.

Check out video I found on TikTok. This girl has since called the whole thing a "joke" and deleted all her social media accounts. But I have no doubt her actions have already affected many in that terminal and on that plane, not to mention her family and friends.

Conversely, to those of you who continue to mask and distance - THANK YOU. Thank you for your sacrifices. Thank you for your kindness and respect for those around you. What you do matters so much. We will get through this together.

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Medicine, Mom Life, Tiktok Vicki Chan Medicine, Mom Life, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Ice cream headaches


Happy National Ice Cream Day! 🍦

Have you ever gotten an ice cream headache? 😣 Peter gets them all the time, but would you believe I never have?!

Surprisingly, scientists don't know what exactly causes an #icecreamheadache or brain freeze. They think that it has to do with blood vessels quickly constricting then dilating when the ice cream hits the roof of your mouth. This sensation is interpreted as discomfort and pain by the trigeminal nerve - except your brain reads the pain as coming from your head and temples instead of your mouth. Why this pain is referred in this matter is unknown. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I guess I savor my ice cream too slowly to get them. 🤣

#liveVICTORIOUS✌🏼 #nationalicecreamday #brainfreeze #icecream

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