How I Balance it all… (or do i?)


Many young doctors worry: "Is it possible to be a doctor AND have a family?"

Most definitely YES.

But is it easy? Nope.

I certainly don't have all the answers, but a few things I've picked up along the way:

1. Schedule your "fun" time - Just like you schedule your work meetings and calls, schedule in activities with the kids as well as your own relaxing time.

2. Delegate! - You cannot do everything yourself (nor should you try). Ask your partner to help; hire the cleaners; ask the nanny to stay late. It's not about whether you CAN do everything yourself (of course you can!), it's about whether you can be doing something BETTER (like cuddling with the kids or taking a bath).

3. Give up the guilt - Oh the mom-guilt is fierce. We SHOULD be doing this; we SHOULD be doing that. We end up SHOULDing all over ourselves! It's OK to say NO sometimes. It's OK to choose yourself!

4. Grant yourself grace - This one is tough for this perfectionist. It's become a choice - would I rather perseverate over this messy room and stress over laundry, or just let it be and play with the kids? Don't get me wrong, I like things to be tidy, but I'm getting better at not letting it get to me every time.

In the end, I don’t think there is ever true “work life balance” - there are seasons of life (some months you’ll be focused on your family, some you’ll be focused on your career, others on your marriage) and you just do the best you can in that moment...

All the other #workingmoms out there, what tips do you have???


A Glaucoma specialist on Lash Serums


Style Series: 1 T-shirt, 6+ Ways