HOw long does it take to become an ophthalmologist?

I often get the questions: How long did it take for you to become an ophthalmologist? 👁 How old were you? Was it worth it or would you have done anything differently?

I would typically say it’s rude to ask a lady about age 😉, but for the sake of education:
Middle and high school => 18 years old
4 years of College => 22 years old
4 years of Medical school => 26 years old
1 year Preliminary Internship => 27 years old
3 years Ophthalmology Residency => 30 years old
1 year Glaucoma Fellowship => (drumroll 🥁) 31 years old

We doctors often joke that we spend our prime years studying and stressing out. Many of us delay our love lives, our family lives, our “real” lives to pursue medicine.

Was it worth it? Definitely. Because I get to spend the rest of my life doing something I truly love. And I am happy with the life I’ve built (as unconventional as it may be).

Would I have chosen something different or easier in hindsight? Absolutely not. You cannot predict life or what will happen with the decisions you make. Whose to say that I would have been ”happier” or it would have been “easier” had I chosen a different path? You can’t, and - even with our infertility struggles, dealing with discrimination at my early job, and the uncertainty of medicine - I wouldn’t risk all the good I have today - like my husband, kids, and all the opportunities.

Instead of wondering “what if” about a past you cannot change or lamenting about the time sacrificed, focus forward on how you can take this life and make it the best it can be...

#doctormom #workingmom




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