Blog, Tiktok Vicki Chan Blog, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Why I started This Blog

Over the years, my friends on social media have remarked and suggested, "You should have a blog!" And I've always pushed back, "What for? Social media is like my blog!"

But time and time again people would contact me: "Where was that post you did?" or "What was that discount code you posted?" or β€œCan you explain TikTok?” And after many hours of searching and scrolling and explaining, I figured it was time to put everything in one place on this blog.

Do I know what I’m doing? NOPE! Is it perfectly pretty and stylized? Not in the least. πŸ˜…

But it's a start, and things will continue to grow and evolve. As they (and my TikTok) say, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

And as a THANK YOU for being here: Head over to my About section for 2 FREE guides: Tips for Social Media Creation and TikTok Basics (written for Doctors but applies to any business really).


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Mom Life, Medicine, Tiktok Vicki Chan Mom Life, Medicine, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Do Opposites Attract?

Do opposites attract? 

Peter is an empathetic extrovert. He is patient and laid back (typical anesthesiologist...?). He is the first to wake in the mornings and is willing to try anything once.

I am a stoic introvert. I am super detailed oriented and generally prefer things safe and stable (like my ORs ). I love "me time" at night when everyone else is asleep. 

While I don't necessarily think opposites attract, I do think we challenge and complement each other. It's not always smooth, but it sure keeps things interesting and balanced. 


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Fashion, Tiktok Vicki Chan Fashion, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Style Series - Make It Work

Apparently yesterday was National Pink Day! Who knew? πŸ’•

Did anyone else watch the original "Project Runway" and remember Tim Gunn's "Make it work!"?

This totally spoke to me. My entire life and career thus far has been about "making it work" - getting into medical school, choosing a specialty, matching, becoming a mother, starting a side business, and figuring out how to juggle it ALL... (It’s still all a work in progress πŸ˜…)

So not surprising, I often apply this sentiment to my own clothing - Not thrilled at how something looks or want to change it up a bit? Tailor it, belt it, tuck it in, put it down, flip it and reverse it... πŸ˜‚

#liveVICTORIOUS✌🏼 #onwednesdayswewearpink πŸ’•

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Medicine, Mom Life, Tiktok Vicki Chan Medicine, Mom Life, Tiktok Vicki Chan

My secret to balancing it all…

Vicki Chan balancing

I get asked all the time, "How do you manage to balance and do it all?"

Well, here's the secret πŸ€«: I don't.

I struggle and juggle. I lean on my supportive husband, nanny, and parents. I rely on the iPad and TV more often than I probably should. πŸ˜¬

I get overwhelmed and frustrated. I yell and forget that the mute button is not on. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

It's not always pretty - You may only see the good photos and videos (cuz it’s social media πŸ“±), but there are a lot of retakes and bloopers and adjustments along the way. And sometimes you just have to throw up your hands and laugh. πŸ˜‚

In the end, we are all just doing the best we can. Don’t forget to celebrate all the small wins, and give yourself grace for everything else.


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Tiktok, Fashion Vicki Chan Tiktok, Fashion Vicki Chan


You may have noticed some of your friends posting mock up Vogue covers around social media. It's called the #voguechallenge, and it's not just about pretty photos. It's to encourage and promote more diversity in the fashion industry. πŸ’ͺ🏼❀️

As an Asian American, I do not often see models with my eye shape or skin color on magazine covers. (In fact, Vogue has never had a solo Asian cover πŸ€―).

But wouldn't it be amazing to show our future generations that anything is possible, and that all shapes and colors are equally beautiful? β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ–€πŸ€πŸ€Ž


(p.s. Sorry the song that is being used on Tiktok has a tiny bit of profanity in it, so just a warning if you have kids around...)

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Medicine, Tiktok Vicki Chan Medicine, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Trauma to the eye

Click HERE for my YouTube explanation

What do you do when you get injured in the eye? In general:

- if you get scratched in the eye (like if debris flies in or someone accidentally pokes you πŸ‘ˆπŸΌ), fight the urge to rub and instead force yourself to blink - this will produce tears πŸ’§ to flush out any debris and moisten your eyes for protection. Thankfully, scratches heal pretty quickly, but you are susceptible to a superimposed bacterial or fungal infection, so see your eye doctor ASAP.

- if you get a chemical in the eye (like pepper spray or tear gas, I go into more detail about these in my post 2 days ago) find a water source and flush it out for at least 10-15 minutes. It may not get all the chemical out (like with pepper spray, you'll need soap or a special wipe to break up the oils), but it'll dilute enough to minimize damage and irritation. Sometimes you can get inflammation in the eye from these chemicals that can affect your vision, so seek medical attention ASAP.

- lastly, if you sustain direct trauma to the eye (i.e. a punch or projectile), again fight the urge to rub or touch it - you can make the injury worse. If there is something stuck in the eye or orbit (around the eye), do NOT remove it. The best thing to do is to keep the eye closed and loosely cover it with a pair of glasses or even a taped on cupπŸ₯€(I'm serious, this is in all our textbooks as a treatment!) and seek medical attention ASAP. πŸ₯

Eye injuries can range from a simple scratch (corneal abrasion) or a broken blood vessel on the surface like a bruise (subconjunctival hemorrhage) to more serious things like bleeding inside (hyphema) or a cut on the eye (laceration or ruptured globe) that can threaten your vision.

As an eye doctorπŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈ (and parent), the best treatment for any injury is always prevention, so please please please wear eye protection if you think you will be at risk!

Click HERE for my YouTube explanation

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