My secret to balancing it all…

Vicki Chan balancing

I get asked all the time, "How do you manage to balance and do it all?"

Well, here's the secret 🤫: I don't.

I struggle and juggle. I lean on my supportive husband, nanny, and parents. I rely on the iPad and TV more often than I probably should. 😬

I get overwhelmed and frustrated. I yell and forget that the mute button is not on. 🤦🏻‍♀️

It's not always pretty - You may only see the good photos and videos (cuz it’s social media 📱), but there are a lot of retakes and bloopers and adjustments along the way. And sometimes you just have to throw up your hands and laugh. 😂

In the end, we are all just doing the best we can. Don’t forget to celebrate all the small wins, and give yourself grace for everything else.



Failure. Is. Not. Final.

