Medicine, Mom Life, Tiktok Vicki Chan Medicine, Mom Life, Tiktok Vicki Chan

Ice cream headaches


Happy National Ice Cream Day! 🍦

Have you ever gotten an ice cream headache? 😣 Peter gets them all the time, but would you believe I never have?!

Surprisingly, scientists don't know what exactly causes an #icecreamheadache or brain freeze. They think that it has to do with blood vessels quickly constricting then dilating when the ice cream hits the roof of your mouth. This sensation is interpreted as discomfort and pain by the trigeminal nerve - except your brain reads the pain as coming from your head and temples instead of your mouth. Why this pain is referred in this matter is unknown. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I guess I savor my ice cream too slowly to get them. 🀣

#liveVICTORIOUS✌🏼 #nationalicecreamday #brainfreeze #icecream

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Tiktok, Medicine, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Tiktok, Medicine, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

Doctors On Social Media


Why would a doctor be on social media? Doctors on TikTok? What the heck? πŸ€”

Well, let me explain:

1. Social media is a great place to educate and motivate - Patients are able to connect with me directly, ask questions, and get basic information (I cannot give direct medical advice online, but I can at least point them in the right direction). I have also been impressed with all the premeds/medical students out there who are driven to seek out information about the application/training process, my specialty, and work-life balance. To get a message about how I have helped someone with a decision or answer a question or show them what is possible is the most amazing feeling. β€οΈ

Moreover, with so much uncertainty and misinformation surrounding this pandemic, I feel a duty to explain and clear things up as best as I can.

2. I can connect and network with amazing people - It has been so fun meeting other like-minded, forward thinking physicians, professionals, and mothers. Even though I haven't met a lot of these people in person (yet), being on this journey together makes me feel like I've known them forever.

3. It's FUN! - Why aren't doctors allowed to have fun? I've seen too many being written off as "not serious" or "not responsible," because they enjoy other hobbies or activities. Doctors are human, too, and we deserve, actually, NEED to let loose a little sometimes.

4. It's my creative outlet - Some people cook, others garden. I love taking pretty photos and making fun videos. I love sharing about my experiences, educating, telling stories, and encouraging others to action. And I think I do a pretty good job. πŸ˜‰

Be yourself, the world will adjust.

If you are a doctor or professional looking for more information on Tiktok and how it could help your business, visit my FREE RESOURCES page or visit


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Medicine Vicki Chan Medicine Vicki Chan



Dr. Fauci has served 6 presidents. He has led the NIAID and NIH for nearly 50 years. He’s won the medal of freedom, was the leading scientist that changed the tide of our largest pandemic (HIV), and for almost 20 years (1983-2002) was THE most published and cited scientist in the world. He literally WROTE THE BOOK - he is one of the authors of the most widely used internal medicine textbooks (which I and all my colleagues used). He is honest and speaks facts without a political spin.


I stand with science.
I stand with medicine.
I stand with my fellow doctors, nurses, pharmacists, healthcare providers, and all essential workers.
I stand with the truth.

The fact that people without any science background are arrogant enough to try to discredit a doctor so renowned and dedicated - who has held the health of the people in the forefront, despite others’ agendas - is just a sad metaphor of exactly what is wrong with this country and leadership.

Case in point, over the last several weeks during which his recommendations have been totally ignored - the U.S. numbers have skyrocketed. We need him and his expertise now more than ever.


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Medicine, Ophthalmology Vicki Chan Medicine, Ophthalmology Vicki Chan

Why Do I need glasses?


Why do some people need to wear glasses? πŸ‘“

Contrary to what our parents told us - it does not come from reading in the dark or sitting too close to the TV. πŸ˜‰ Need for glasses, or refractive error, is based on your eye anatomy. πŸ‘

An eye that does not need glasses, or an emmetropic eye, is just the right size and perfectly round, and so focuses an image clearly.

Myopia, or near sightedness, is typically when an eye is too large or long. Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is usually when an eye is too short or small. And an astigmatism is when an eye is not perfectly round (so more like a football 🏈 vs. a basketball πŸ€). In these cases, images can be out of focus or blurry. Glasses, contacts, or even laser surgery can help to refocus and give clearer vision.

Because refractive error is based on eye anatomy, it is typically inherited. So you can thank your parents the next time you see them. πŸ˜‰

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Medicine, Mom Life Vicki Chan Medicine, Mom Life Vicki Chan

CoVID update: All up in the air


So reports are confirming that coronavirus πŸ¦  can be airborne (versus only found in droplets or surfaces and transmitted by contact).

Does this change the precautions we are taking? Are face masks still necessary?

Short answer: NOTHING has changed.

Scientists and healthcare professionals have always suspected that coronavirus was airborne, which is why social distancing has always been a major recommendation during this pandemic. Keeping your distance in a well ventilated space (ie outdoors) greatly reduces your risk of transmitting and/or contracting COVID.

Face masks πŸ˜· are still very relevant especially in closer settings. Not only do they block droplets from your mouth and nose, they also reduce the radius of any smaller airborne particles (air will still flow around the mask - so don’t worry about your oxygen/CO2 levels - but airborne particles will not travel as far out).

#liveVICTORIOUS✌🏼 but stay safe, friends!

Thank you Theo + Leigh for our cute and comfy masks!!! Use VICKICHANMD when ordering to get 20% off!

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Life Lessons, Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan Life Lessons, Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan

You are Always One Decision Away…


One evening about 6 years ago I pulled into my garage and took a deep breath. It was around 6pm, and I knew I was late relieving the nanny. Ugh.

I had finished training about 2 years ago, was busting my butt as a per diem 5 days a week (plus weekend call) at a multispecialty ophthalmology clinic, and my daughter was 1. Earlier that day, the chief at my clinic had suggested that I not bother applying for the new full time position because I "should be focusing on [my] family." The comment made me feel angry, unappreciated, deflated, and guilty all at the same time... πŸ˜’

I had spent my lunch break therapy shopping and arrived home tired and emotionally exhausted. Even though I felt guilty for being away all day, I was about to walk into what I lovingly called the "dinnertime-bathtime-bedtime circus," so I sat in my car for an extra 10 minutes in the dark to regroup and dry my tears.

I have replayed and retold this story hundreds of times - to other tired working moms and burnt-out physicians. Because this was the moment I that made a decision. The decision that this was not the life I wanted. The decision that I would no longer rely on others for my happiness. The decision that I would have to make some changes to design a life of my dreams.

It would take me a few months to build up the nerve to actually take action (start a side business and change jobs) and another couple years to realize my updated, upgraded goals (go part time medicine and spend more time with my family)...

But it all began in that single decision...

Does this resonate with anyone? Do you know this feeling? What did you do/are you doing about it?


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