

Dr. Fauci has served 6 presidents. He has led the NIAID and NIH for nearly 50 years. He’s won the medal of freedom, was the leading scientist that changed the tide of our largest pandemic (HIV), and for almost 20 years (1983-2002) was THE most published and cited scientist in the world. He literally WROTE THE BOOK - he is one of the authors of the most widely used internal medicine textbooks (which I and all my colleagues used). He is honest and speaks facts without a political spin.


I stand with science.
I stand with medicine.
I stand with my fellow doctors, nurses, pharmacists, healthcare providers, and all essential workers.
I stand with the truth.

The fact that people without any science background are arrogant enough to try to discredit a doctor so renowned and dedicated - who has held the health of the people in the forefront, despite others’ agendas - is just a sad metaphor of exactly what is wrong with this country and leadership.

Case in point, over the last several weeks during which his recommendations have been totally ignored - the U.S. numbers have skyrocketed. We need him and his expertise now more than ever.



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