Failure. Is. Not. Final.

liveVICTORIOUS failure

I don’t often talk about this - but when I took my ophthalmology oral boards after finishing residency, I failed. 😞 For someone who is used to excelling, this was devastating.

After a good cry (or 2, or 10 😢), I realized that how I prepared wasn’t working (I am a very visual person and learner 👀 and the oral boards are not about that at all - in fact the photos they use are notoriously vague. I had to hone my auditory 👂 and speaking skills 🗣), and so I had to ask for help. I had to find study partners to practice with and even took time off of work to attend a review course. Explaining to others why I had to retake the test was not easy and a blow to my ego every time - but I needed the help.

I ended up passing the second time (I had never been so nervous), but the experience was definitely a lesson in perseverance and humility - that failure is not final, and that asking for help is not a sign of weakness but an attempt at growth... 🌱


(and I told myself I would learn this dance 2 months ago... that’s on never giving up... 😂)


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