Growth Mindset

I was helping my daughter with her math homework this weekend. And as exasperating as the CGI strategies and mistakes were (I am only human, not a teacher or saint), what really frustrated me the most was when my daughter would read a problem and immediately give up, " I just can't!"

I know that my daughter can do anything she puts her mind to (she takes after her mother after all). But this also includes when she decides she CAN'T. 💔 And so homework time evolved from solving word problems to encouraging my 7 year old that everything (especially elementary math) is figure out-able.

Now, you and I both know multiplication is hardly impossible. But have YOU ever told yourself you "just can't"? Maybe there was a task a little too tough. Or a change a little too risky. Or a dream a little too big or crazy...

Well - I'll ask you the same thing I asked my daughter - How do you know you can’t if you haven’t even tried?

#liveVICTORIOUS✌🏼 #growthmindset #figureoutable




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