A vaccine at warp speed

I have heard some concerns about the upcoming COVID vaccine: "It was too rushed. No thank you.” (The comments are usually more colorful.)

First and foremost, I have no doubt that these vaccines were properly researched for safety and efficacy. Yes, they were developed relatively quickly, in a year versus several years - How was that possible? I did a little research, and here is what I found:

1. Researchers drew on pre-existing data and technology - It's not like the researchers started from scratch. mRNA vaccine technology has actually been around for decades, and while this COVID-19 strain is novel, similar coronaviruses in general have long existed. It was about taking existing information and applying it.

2. There was good communication between the vaccine companies and regulators - I'm no professional researcher, but during medical training, I knew that every research project had to endure lengthy, back and forth application processes with review boards to make sure everything was in order. Now imagine instead of submitting paperwork and waiting months among hundreds of other applications, you could just pick up a phone and discuss protocols, materials, and approval criteria in real time - you know, because there is a global pandemic and everyone wants THIS research to happen ASAP.

3. Funding and participants were ready to go - For most projects, securing a grant or funding can take months. And once research is underway, gathering enough willing participants can take years. These were non-issues with the COVID vaccine trials.

So yes, development of these COVID vaccines happened at seemingly warp speed - but due to increased efficiency of the cumbersome process, not by cutting any corners in the research.

What do you think? Are you as excited as I am?

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Growth Mindset


Covid Vaccine update