Tiktok, Medicine, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Tiktok, Medicine, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

Doctors On Social Media


Why would a doctor be on social media? Doctors on TikTok? What the heck? 🤔

Well, let me explain:

1. Social media is a great place to educate and motivate - Patients are able to connect with me directly, ask questions, and get basic information (I cannot give direct medical advice online, but I can at least point them in the right direction). I have also been impressed with all the premeds/medical students out there who are driven to seek out information about the application/training process, my specialty, and work-life balance. To get a message about how I have helped someone with a decision or answer a question or show them what is possible is the most amazing feeling. ❤️

Moreover, with so much uncertainty and misinformation surrounding this pandemic, I feel a duty to explain and clear things up as best as I can.

2. I can connect and network with amazing people - It has been so fun meeting other like-minded, forward thinking physicians, professionals, and mothers. Even though I haven't met a lot of these people in person (yet), being on this journey together makes me feel like I've known them forever.

3. It's FUN! - Why aren't doctors allowed to have fun? I've seen too many being written off as "not serious" or "not responsible," because they enjoy other hobbies or activities. Doctors are human, too, and we deserve, actually, NEED to let loose a little sometimes.

4. It's my creative outlet - Some people cook, others garden. I love taking pretty photos and making fun videos. I love sharing about my experiences, educating, telling stories, and encouraging others to action. And I think I do a pretty good job. 😉

Be yourself, the world will adjust.

If you are a doctor or professional looking for more information on Tiktok and how it could help your business, visit my FREE RESOURCES page or visit www.tiktokfordoctors.com.


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