COVID and Schools

Schools and camps are starting to reopen!

As a mother, I'm uber eager for my kids to get back to a routine and see their friends again, but as a physician, I am nervous (as the Tiktok accurately depicts... I have never felt Ross so deeply... )

The CDC has released recommendations to minimize risks of COVID spread in classrooms, including:
- reduced class sizes and/or staggered/rotating schedules
- no mixing of teachers, rooms, and classmates (also called cohorting)
- no sharing of materials
- physical distancing (at least 6 feet apart and masking when distancing is not possible)

So should you send your kids back to school/camp? I wish I could tell you the “right” answer. There are so many factors to consider - like your work/home situation, your child, whether the facility is able to implement the proper measures, etc etc. Personally, we are keeping our kids home this summer - but we are lucky to have flexible schedules, have help nearby, and our kids have each other.

You will have to make the decision that is best for you and your family, but I would suggest being aware of the above recommendations, understanding the risks and what to look out for, and not being afraid to ask your teachers/facility questions and to show you their plans and precautions.

Will you send your kids back? Or have you already? Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!



Healthy Lashes


How I Control “MASKNE”