Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my soulmate, perfect match, opposite in many ways, and best friend!!!

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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Gotta catch them all!

Super proud of my brother for his creativity in creating these “Pocket Providers” - merging his love of video games and passion for medicine.

What do you think - did get their specialties right?

You can find these and more through my brother’s Instagram @vinpin or online shop. They often sell out so check back for restocks and new drops!

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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Ophtho Vibin’

My take on this viral trend by 🧢

Yes, you can see major systemic diseases inside the eyes, like severe hypertension, diabetes, and cancer (like melanoma or leukemia). Which is why it’s so important to get your eyes checked regularly. 👁

And while ophthalmology is not usually considered a life or death specialty, sometimes we can make a difference… (and it feels pretty awesome)

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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan


Much of my life has been filled with SHOULDs:

  • I SHOULD study harder

  • I SHOULD get into a good college/medical school/residency

  • I SHOULD find a good, stable job

  • I SHOULD get married/have kids now

And while I am so grateful for all the blessings and opportunities I have had in my life (really, I’m not complaining at all), it took me well into my mid-late 30s to finally decide to do things for myself - venturing outside of traditional medicine, finding a career/family balance I was truly happy with, branching into social media (for business marketing, education, and advocacy), and publicly embracing my style…

What took me so long? Honestly, I was worried about what others would think - my friends, my family, my colleagues. What if they laughed? What if I lost their respect? What if I put myself out there and made a literal dancing fool of myself or failed…?

But what I realized was that it didn’t matter what they thought (and trust me, many did tell me exactly what they thought…). They weren’t the ones living my life, experiencing my struggles, or providing me fulfillment or my family joy… that was MY responsibility… and so I needed no one else’s permission or acceptance but my own.

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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Happy July 1st!

It’s July 1!

For many health care professionals today is a big day of transition - as medical students become interns; interns become residents; and residents and fellows become attendings! 🥼🩺

As exciting as this day may be, it’s also a nerve wracking one as imposter syndrome and doubt hit hard.


- we’ve all been there
- it’s normal to feel the nerves whenever you’re doing something “new” and/or stretching yourself
- you did not end up here by accident, you earned and deserve it!
- this is the beginning of something amazing (and sometimes amazing things can be hard)
- it’s OK to ask for help (that’s what co-trainees, nurses, colleagues, etc are for. I still text my co-fellow to this day, 10 years later, for advice!)
- you GOT this! 💪🏼

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