Happy July 1st!

It’s July 1!

For many health care professionals today is a big day of transition - as medical students become interns; interns become residents; and residents and fellows become attendings! 🥼🩺

As exciting as this day may be, it’s also a nerve wracking one as imposter syndrome and doubt hit hard.


- we’ve all been there
- it’s normal to feel the nerves whenever you’re doing something “new” and/or stretching yourself
- you did not end up here by accident, you earned and deserve it!
- this is the beginning of something amazing (and sometimes amazing things can be hard)
- it’s OK to ask for help (that’s what co-trainees, nurses, colleagues, etc are for. I still text my co-fellow to this day, 10 years later, for advice!)
- you GOT this! 💪🏼




Covid-19 vaccines do not shed