Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Productivity…? Oops!

Anyone else struggling a bit with working from home? (esp here in Los Angeles where kids have been home ALL year! 😳) Here are a few things I have found helpful with my productivity:

Prepare - Sometimes the only true quiet time I get is at the very end of the day, but I'm not in the right mindset to actually get any work done. 😴 So I will use that time to prepare. Having a to-do list makes it easier when I'm running around and distracted the next day.

Prioritize - Arrange your to-do list by importance/time sensitivity, and do those first. Whatever can wait, waits (and can go onto the next day's list if needed).

Set small, reachable goals - So instead of "create campaign," consider breaking it down to smaller, more palatable goals, like "create 3 images," "write copy," "schedule emails/posts," etc. This way you can keep track of your progress and check off boxes as you go, which is super satisfying!

Schedule your work (AND play!) - Sometimes it's easy to let your work drag on all day, so scheduling your "office hours" can help you stay on task and focused. Along the same lines, I recommend scheduling in your "play" time as well - your work-outs, meals, "me" time, and time with your kids (especially if you are a juggling working mom like me!)

Do you have any WFH tips or tricks that have been working for you?

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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Harry Potter Characters as Medical Professions (parts 1-3)

Anyone else Harry Potter fans? ⚡️ I read the series during medical school, and have fond memories of exchanging books with classmates and refusing to see the movies with my (then) boyfriend (now husband) because there was NO WAY a movie could capture all the intricacies!

Anyhoo, I finally watched the movies a few months ago (thank you pandemic) and was inspired to create a few medical Harry Potter videos - including sorting specialities by Hogwarts Houses (check them out HERE) and a doctor characters series I realize I’ve never posted. Until now! Parts 1-3 below. Parts 4-6 coming soon!

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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan


What a difference a year makes...

When the pandemic began last year, the US saw a huge surge in violence and crimes against Asian Americans. One source out of New York has reported a 1900% rise. And with the new year, these acts of hate and racism have unfortunately continued - especially against our elderly. Over the past few weeks, an elderly Filipino woman was punched in San Diego, CA; a 91 year old Asian man was shoved to the ground in Oakland, CA; a 61 year old Filipino man had his face slashed in NYC; and an 84 year old Thai man was killed in San Francisco, CA.

These acts are horrifying and frightening. These victims could have been my own parents or grandparents.

I understand that people are frustrated, but despite our differences in appearances and backgrounds, we are in this together. Hatred is a virus worse than COVID, and IS NOT and WILL NOT be the answer.

What you can do: 1. If you witness attacks, speak up (if it is safe for you to) and/or report them at Stop AAPI Hate. 2. Offer to help escort elderly neighbors (if you live in Northern California, you can volunteer at Compassion in Oakland). 3. Consider donating to organizations committed to protecting Asian American communities like HATEISAVIRUS and Advancing Justice.

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Life Lessons, Medicine Vicki Chan Life Lessons, Medicine Vicki Chan

Don’t Feed the trolls…

vickichanmd (@vickichanmd) has created a short video on TikTok with music original sound. | How it usually goes down... #doctormom #doctorlife #dontfeedthetrolls #blockthebullies #learnontiktok #tiktokpartner #drumline | Me: Posting scientifically driven and educational content | Trolls: You LIAR!!! Here is the REAL truth! | Me: Here are my sources.

True story! (More times than I would like to admit )

As consumers, if you see medical information online, make sure you double check your facts and sources. (this applies to me as well!)

And to my fellow medical colleagues and educators, don’t be afraid to block! (a hostile comment is not a teaching moment, as hard as it is to walk away from...)

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