Productivity…? Oops!

Anyone else struggling a bit with working from home? (esp here in Los Angeles where kids have been home ALL year! 😳) Here are a few things I have found helpful with my productivity:

Prepare - Sometimes the only true quiet time I get is at the very end of the day, but I'm not in the right mindset to actually get any work done. 😴 So I will use that time to prepare. Having a to-do list makes it easier when I'm running around and distracted the next day.

Prioritize - Arrange your to-do list by importance/time sensitivity, and do those first. Whatever can wait, waits (and can go onto the next day's list if needed).

Set small, reachable goals - So instead of "create campaign," consider breaking it down to smaller, more palatable goals, like "create 3 images," "write copy," "schedule emails/posts," etc. This way you can keep track of your progress and check off boxes as you go, which is super satisfying!

Schedule your work (AND play!) - Sometimes it's easy to let your work drag on all day, so scheduling your "office hours" can help you stay on task and focused. Along the same lines, I recommend scheduling in your "play" time as well - your work-outs, meals, "me" time, and time with your kids (especially if you are a juggling working mom like me!)

Do you have any WFH tips or tricks that have been working for you?

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