Medicine, PreMed Vicki Chan Medicine, PreMed Vicki Chan

The difference between M.D. and D.O.

What is the difference between a medical doctor (MD) and doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO)?

Spoiler alert: There isn't much of one.

The main difference is our philosophy and approach to patient care. MDs focus more on allopathic medicine, which include research-based medical and surgical treatments. While DOs have more of an osteopathic approach that focuses on whole body and preventative care.

In terms of education and training, here in the US both types of doctors must complete 4 years of undergraduate education, 4 years at an accredited medical or osteopathic medical school, and 3-7 years of hands on residency training. In 2020, a fully combined MD-DO residency match occurred, making these 2 paths to medical care even more standardized.

As a medical professional, to me, MD and DO licenses are often interchangeable and alone do not suggest a difference in medical care. What I would focus on instead is the doctor him/herself: their capability to address your issues and concerns, whether their specialty and approach align with what you are looking for, their willingness to answer your questions clearly and honestly, and their ability to provide you calm and confidence in their care.

Hopefully this helps clear up some of the “confusion” I’ve been seeing online. (And yes I put confusion in quotations, because in this day and age of readily available information and google, it’s really just a little bit of laziness to blast out this type of misinformation. )

#liveVICTORIOUS #doctormom

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Mom Life Vicki Chan Mom Life Vicki Chan

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival


Yesterday was the mid Autumn Festival (中秋节), or Harvest Moon Festival. It is celebrated in many Asian countries - including China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines - on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month (which usually falls in late September or early October).

The full moon on this night is said to be the brightest of the year 🌝, and traditions include lighting of lanterns 🏮, lion dancing, and sharing of mooncakes.

The mid-Autumn Festival is actually the second most important holiday in Chinese culture (behind Lunar New Year 🧧) and is much like Thanksgiving here in the U.S. - a time when families reunite and gather together. Obviously, with COVID, we were not able to celebrate as we usually do with extended family - but it is a reminder of all we do have and can be grateful for. 🙏🏼

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Life Lessons, Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan Life Lessons, Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan

The Truth about fake news

Have you ever read a headline or heard an audio clip circulating on social media and thought, "That can't be true!" Well, it probably isn't.

In 2018 MIT did a study looking at "news" posts on social media and found that false news was 70% more likely to be reposted and travelled 6 times faster than the truth. ‼️

In short, this means that that viral post you're seeing on your feed is most likely FALSE. ❌

Some food for thought and a reminder to do your own independent research as we head into flu/twindemic season and get closer to election day.

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Mom Life, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Mom Life, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

Letting go of the Mom GUilt

I tend to feel #momguilt a lot...

- for not being more present at home 👧🏻👦🏻
- for not working more 🥼
- for yelling too much at the kids
- for giving in and spoiling them
- for needing alone time
- for saying no
- for asking for help
- for spending too much 🛍
- for being too stingy...

Why? Because I have an image in my head of what an ideal mother, doctor, wife, friend, person SHOULD be. And any time I fall short, I feel the guilt. 💔

But the truth is - NO ONE can live up to an ideal. Certainly not all the things all at the same time.

So I've realized that I need to make the choices that are best for ME, not what I (or others) think I SHOULD do or be.

So if I need some alone time, get some extra help with the kids, or say no to a friend, so be it. And I need to learn not to feel bad and let the guilt get to me...


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Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan

Why the flu vaccine is especially important this year

Winter is coming. So is what experts are calling "twindemic" season...

Not only is COVID still going strong - with the US fastly closing in on 7 million cases and 200,000 deaths - but flu season will be upon us soon as well.

As your FB doctor friend, please get your flu vaccine and remind your loved ones to get it as well! Not only can it decrease your risk of getting the flu by up to 60%, it can drastically reduce the severity of your disease course even if you do get it. It could very well save you from a hospitalization, which will be key with COVID numbers expected to rise as well this winter.

#liveVICTORIOUS but please stay safe and healthy!

(and yes, if it takes a dance to help you remember to get your vaccine, so be it!)

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