Life Lessons, Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan Life Lessons, Mom Life, Medicine Vicki Chan

The Truth about fake news

Have you ever read a headline or heard an audio clip circulating on social media and thought, "That can't be true!" Well, it probably isn't.

In 2018 MIT did a study looking at "news" posts on social media and found that false news was 70% more likely to be reposted and travelled 6 times faster than the truth. ‼️

In short, this means that that viral post you're seeing on your feed is most likely FALSE. ❌

Some food for thought and a reminder to do your own independent research as we head into flu/twindemic season and get closer to election day.

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Mom Life, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Mom Life, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

Letting go of the Mom GUilt

I tend to feel #momguilt a lot...

- for not being more present at home 👧🏻👦🏻
- for not working more 🥼
- for yelling too much at the kids
- for giving in and spoiling them
- for needing alone time
- for saying no
- for asking for help
- for spending too much 🛍
- for being too stingy...

Why? Because I have an image in my head of what an ideal mother, doctor, wife, friend, person SHOULD be. And any time I fall short, I feel the guilt. 💔

But the truth is - NO ONE can live up to an ideal. Certainly not all the things all at the same time.

So I've realized that I need to make the choices that are best for ME, not what I (or others) think I SHOULD do or be.

So if I need some alone time, get some extra help with the kids, or say no to a friend, so be it. And I need to learn not to feel bad and let the guilt get to me...


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Fashion, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Fashion, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

Style Series: Gucci model (kinda)

I've always been of the mindset that it‘s not so much WHAT you wear, but HOW you wear it. 😎

So when this audio popped up on TikTok, as ridiculous as it sounded, I knew I had to try it. 🤣

Happy #styleSaturday, friends!


first top Maeve/ pearl denim Zara/ turtleneck JCrew/ houndstooth blouse unnamed from PoshMark/ duster Love Token from Anthro/ red coat Zara/ leggings BP/ sequin skirt Vince / denim skirt GAP/ scarf unnamed from Amazon/ sunglasses Spitfire/ heels Aquazurra/ clutch Gucci

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Mom Life, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Mom Life, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup


I am not going to lie - I have been feeling super duper stressed and overwhelmed these past few months.

I typically pride myself on handling difficult situations well - I mean I survived medical school and residency, right? 🩺 - but without any opportunity to relax or unwind since the pandemic (since the kids are around ALL. THE. TIME. now), it’s been especially tough...

Thankfully COVID numbers in Los Angeles have dropped a little recently, and so my parents are now more comfortable seeing the kids. And actually took them for the long weekend...!!!

So my husband and I have spend the last few days on #staycation - getting take out from wherever we want ; watching movies in the middle of the day; and taking long leisurely walks with the dogs ... Not having to rush anywhere or worry who is getting into what every minute of every day has been amazing and a huge burden off my shoulders.

I feel recharged and literally like a new person (Peter can attest!) ❤️ And now I understand more than ever the importance of refilling your own cup before tending to others’.

What did you do over the weekend? How are you recharging and refilling your cup...? ☕️


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Fashion, Life Lessons Vicki Chan Fashion, Life Lessons Vicki Chan

Style Series: Why are you so dressed up?

Why am I so "into" fashion and dressing up? Many assume it’s just a superficial, “typical” girly thing... 🤔 Don’t get me wrong - I love an amazing outfit or designer bag... But it’s sooo much more than that...

It’s about finding your style and feeling confident in it. 💪🏼 It’s about getting a pair of pants tailored just right to your height. 👖 It’s about splurging on those shoes or dress that make you feel like a million bucks! 💰 (bonus if they are comfy enough to wear chasing the kids around or at work)


Because. 👏🏼 You. 👏🏼 Deserve. 👏🏼 It. 👏🏼

YOU - the overworked doctor, the tired mama, the juggling, multitasking super woman - don’t be shy, don’t feel guilty...! You deserve to look and feel your best. ALWAYS.

Like my Tiktok says: What’s the occasion? You exist! And yes, that’s pretty darn special. 💕


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