Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

My beef with Rogan…

OMG I know I’m going to get so much flack for this 😅 but it has to be said…

While it is bad enough that someone not in healthcare is broadcasting medical #misinformation to millions, it’s the refusal to take any accountability or recognize his own biases for me. Instead, the comedian jokes, “I’m not doctor. I’m a &*#!$ moron… I’m not a respected source of information” and deflects (like a good UFC fighter does) by dismissing the damage that true misinformation can cause, calling them “opinions” and “conversations.”

The reality is, Rogan has millions of listeners and fans who trust him and have followed his lead - by not getting vaccinated and believing a slew of non-science, discredited information he has allowed on his platform. (And yes, platforming is the same as “promoting” the misinformation, even though he tries to deny that too).

Unlike doctors and HCWs who actually care about the outcomes of our patients, pretending you’re “just having a conversation” and that you don’t have a huge impact is truly irresponsible and a cowardly cop out.

#doctorlife #joerogan #medicalmisinformation

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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Perfect Wife?

I once saw a hilarious video of a “reporter” stopping dads with their kids in a mall and asking them, “How do you juggle it all?” and “Is it hard balancing your career with family?” The looks on these dads’ faces... 😳🤣

Now, I’m not saying that moms AND dads don’t all have our own struggles, but some of the stereotypes and expectations are just too LOUD.

What do you think? (And for the record, I am far from the “perfect wife,” but not for the reasons in the video...)


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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Back to school!

The summer just flew by. We are officially back to school today!!!

Anyone else totally intimidated by all the other moms who seem to have it together???

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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Skills Like Butter

How long does it take to earn a medical degree (MD or DO)? 🥼🩺

Ultimately it depends on the speciality, additional research work, and fellowship training…

But regardless and rest assured, it takes many many years to get your doctors’ skills smooth as butter. 🧈 (unlike my dancing 😅)…


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Vicki Chan Vicki Chan

Beware what’s out there…

Did you know that there is a HUGE misinformation/anti-vax business out there? These bad players profit on getting you to doubt tradition medicine/doctors, possibly fall ill, and then sell you their “alternative” treatments and methodologies.

Now, I’m not saying that all alternative medicine is bad, or that all doctors are good… (my dad and husband practice alternative medicine and acupuncture; and I can give you a list of bad MDs, someone with the name of Wakefield at the very top)

But be careful what you read, believe, and share out there - especially on social media. Make sure you are talking with qualified healthcare providers or citing trusted sources, backed by good data and evidence when it comes to your health and livelihood.

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