all HAnds on Deck

Because of the COVID surge here in Los Angeles, many sub-specialty doctors have been called in to help in the wards and/or screen patients in the hospital. Typically, we are in our outside clinics or operating rooms, but with many shut down or down-booked for safety, we have been diverted to help our overwhelmed primary care and emergency colleagues.

Today was my turn in the "surge pool," and I am not going to lie - I was incredibly nervous. As an eye doctor, it's been a while since I last had to deal with respiratory issues, back pains, or tonsil stones (yep, dealt with some of those today). Plus dealing with COVID and vaccine questions are not my primary specialty.

Was it daunting? Yes. Was it outside my comfort zone? You bet. I had to admit more than once that I didn't have all the answers, and I asked a lot of questions myself... But in the end, I was honored to help my colleagues.

Throughout this pandemic, I have always felt that we were all in this together. (Literally) getting together over the holidays is likely what worsened this surge here in LA, but working together to educate, protect, and help one another is what will get us through... 🙏🏼



Thanks but no…


Purple for Unity