Path to Becoming an Ophthalomologist

How long does it take to become an ophthalmologist?

Here in the US, all doctors must complete undergraduate college (typically 4 years) and 4 years of medical school. Ophthalmology training consists of 1 year of internship (which can be done in medicine, surgery, or a transitional combination), followed by 3 years of ophthalmology residency.

Many ophthalmologists go on to do an optional 1 to 2 years of a subspecialty fellowship. This can be in oculoplastics, cornea, uveitis, cataract/refractive, retina, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology, or pediatrics/strabismus. I personally did 1 year of glaucoma fellowship.

I cannot tell you how many times people have scoffed, "You wasted your 20s!" or exclaimed, "It's not worth it!" True, I didn't finish my training until I was 30.

But I was going to be 30 regardless, might as well have the MD I wanted to show for it. 🩺

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyways." - Earl Nightingale


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