Ophthalmology Match 2021

Today is the ophthalmology match. 👁 This is the day that medical students across the US find out at which program they will spend their 3 year ophthalmology residency.

What is the match process like?

Back in July, ophthalmology-hopeful 4th year medical students submitted their applications online - including their grades/scores, CVs, personal statements, and letters of recommendation. Programs and hospitals then offered and conducted interviews between October and January (this year they were mainly virtual, but I remember flying all across the country for mine - all the while trying to complete my hospital rotations).

This past January 25th, medical students and programs submitted their rank lists - number 1 being the program or candidate they each most desired and on down. I remember scouring over mine - checking and double checking to make sure mine was correct. Because once these lists get submitted and put into the computer system, the results are binding. 😳

The matching algorithm then goes through a whole mathematical process to match candidates to programs - optimizing rank list preferences but giving the medical students' choices priority.

Today, medical students and program directors find out how it all shook out. Some students matched, some didn't. Some got their first choices, some did not. All in all, today is a huge milestone in the medical journey, and something to be celebrated and acknowledged. 👏🏼

Congrats to everyone who matched! Welcome to the ophthalmology family!!!


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