β€œAs a medical student, did you have time for anything else?”

To my surprise, premeds (including high school students!) have been hitting up my inbox πŸ“¨ to ask for advice and seek encouragement in their medical school journeys. I love it, but it also makes me feel ooooooold πŸ˜‚)

One of the most common questions revolves around the amount of work and studying that is involved becoming a physician: β€œWill I have time for anything else?” πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈ

This is what I tell them: Yes, there will be lots of studying πŸ“– and late nights. πŸŒ™ So you will have to MAKE the time for your extracurriculars and PROTECT your outside interests. β€οΈ

In high school and as an undergrad, I loved hanging out with my friends and sorority sisters. I was involved in student government and clubs (sports , dance, and cultural). I also loved tutoring and mentoring other students.

But everyone knew I was a premed, and so when it came time to study and/or head home early from a party, they supported (and some even joined) me. πŸ“š

This balance will also be important in medical school and beyond, where it will be so easy to get caught up in work and the rat race (of grades, residencies, promotions, research, etc).

Don’t forget about YOU - your interests and your passions. Because a happy, fulfilled, and well rounded physician is truly the best kind (and honestly what medical schools, residencies, and fellowships are looking for!).



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