Why Ophthalmology?

Why did I choose ophthalmology as my career? 👁

While many students come in already knowing what they want to pursue (in fact, I thought I wanted to be a cardiologist ❤️ my first year), I did not decide until third year when I did my surgery rotation. I fell in love with operating and helping patients physically (in addition to medically with pills, drops, and therapies).

I quickly scheduled a few surgical electives and was drawn to ophthalmology right away. I thought the eye was beautiful; the examinations were fascinating; and the procedures/surgeries were so precise and interesting. I loved following my mentor from clinic to the research lab to the OR to the laser procedure rooms.

To this day, the favorite part of my job is the variety - working with my hands and helping patients in so many different ways.

What’s the favorite part of your job?

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Style Series: Why are you so dressed up?


Style Series: The Short White Coat